Kongres EPA w Nicei - zapraszamy do nadsyłania tematów
Data publikacji: 2012-06-05
Wiadomość z kategorii: Komunikaty zarządu
To the Presidents and Representatives
of the National Psychiatric Associations of Europe
Strasbourg, 11 May 2012
Dear Colleagues,
As you well know, the European Congress of Psychiatry has developed a solid reputation thanks to its high-quality scientific programme. A scientific programme of such high-quality is only possible through the submission of top-level proposals from the psychiatric community and a rigorous review and selection procedure by the EPA Scientific Programme Committee.
Following the recent modification of the EPA Statutes, which now allow national psychiatric associations to become full voting members of the EPA, the 21st European Congress of Psychiatry, taking place in Nice, France on 6-9 April 2013 will be the first opportunity for the National Society/Association members to show their strength within the new EPA structure.
In order to do so, the Scientific Programme Committee strongly encourages the submission of proposals for symposia and/or workshops by the National Society/Association members. Topics should be of interest to the European and global communities; thus the proposed session speakers should come from four different European countries. We remind you that EPA has 20 active Sections and the possibility of collaboration with any of them could be explored.
The deadline for submission is 23 May 2012; however an extended deadline of 11 June 2012 will be offered to you.
It should be noted that in order to guarantee the quality of the scientific programme, all submissions for symposia and workshops are subject to the same rigorous review and selection procedure.
Should you decide to submit a proposal, which we strongly urge you to consider, we would ask that you please indicate clearly in the proposal that it is coming from National Society/Association members. All details concerning the submission of proposals and the Congress in general are available on the Congress website www.epa-congress.org.
The Scientific Programme Committee and the EPA Head Office team remain at your disposal for any further information. We look forward to receiving your submissions and to seeing you in Nice.
Best regards,
Patrice Boyer
EPA President
Danuta Wasserman
EPA President Elect
Mariano Bassi
Chair of the EPA Council of National Societies/Associations
The European Psychiatric Association (EPA) is the official title of an Association registered with the Registrar of Associations (volume 46, no. 63) at the Strasbourg Tribunal d'Instance. The Association shall be subject to the provisions of Articles 21 to 79 of the local Civil Code in force in the French Counties of Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin and Moselle, under the Act of 1 June 1924 governing the introduction of French civil legislation, and of these Articles of Association.