Psychofarmakologia - Weź udział w ankiecie dot. kształcenia ustawicznego
Data publikacji: 2015-02-27
Wiadomość z kategorii: Sekcja Psychofarmakologii
Ponizej prezentujemy list przewodni. Zachęcamy do użycia linku do ankiety online. Informacyjne zamieszczamy też plik pdf, dla zapoznania się z pełnym zestawem pytań.
Soon we will close the global mapping of educational needs within neuropsychiatry aiming for a final report mid-April. As by today, on top of the literature review and web searches, we did received input from 48 experts around the globe, contacted several organisations, and collected feedback from almost 1000 specialists via the online survey. The process has been very interesting so far, and we would like to thank you for your support so far.
In the remaining month before closing the data collection, we would like to increase the regional coverage as well as the dissemination of the online survey, and therefore this email to ask for your collaboration.
- Regional coverage: If any of you have a contact in any of the following countries who might be willing to answer a few questions similar to the ones to got, we would really appreciate if you could forward to me his/her contact details: Turkey, Poland, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Panama, African countries (expect Morocco, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa), India, Indonesia, Thailand.
- On-line survey: A web-based survey has been recently launched, you can see all questions in the attached file: “Web based survey final.pdf”. We would kindly ask you to share this initiative with your contacts in the field of neuropsychiatry by providing them with the link* to the survey. Please note, that the survey can be answered in English, Spanish, French and Chinese just by selecting the right language after clicking in “language” in the first page and it will be open for participation until March 15st
Thank you very much for your collaboration!
Best regards,
* Should you experience any problems accessing the survey, please copy and paste in your browser:
Ana Garcia Lopez
Senior Medical Advisor
Mbl +45 30 83 45 31
Lundbeck Institute
Scherfigsvej 7
2100 Copenhagen
Plik PDF zawiera cały zestaw pytań. Prosimy po zapoznaniu się, wypełnić ankietę online.