Jeszcze tylko tydzień na dodanie abstraktów na Kongres EPA w Nicei 2018
Data publikacji: 2017-09-15
Wiadomość z kategorii: Komunikaty zarządu
We kindly request the support of the Polish Psychiatric Association in making the EPA 2018 Congress in Nice as successful as possible in bringing Europe’s psychiatry professionals together.
There is a week left for your members to submit an abstract and be part of the scientific programme of the Congress.
REMINDER: Abstract Submission Deadline: 26 September 2017
We kindly ask that you share this information with your members and colleagues by forwarding this newsletter or this tweet and Facebook post.
All other promotional materials, such as online banners and digital flyers are available in the EPA 2018 promotional toolkit.
We will be happy to offer promotional exposure for your society and events through the Congress.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Keren Cohen
Marketing Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Your abstract is an essential part of our scientific programme dedicated to the latest and greatest developments across all fields of psychiatry.
You have a week to join the excellent speakers on the stage with your research in the spotlight.
REMINDER: Abstract Submission Deadline: 26 September 2017
Seize the opportunity to join the celebration at the 2018 Nice Carnival taking place just before EPA 2018. Every winter, the French Riviera comes alive with colourful music and street theatre for France’s top fete. The streets fill up with a colourful parade of floats and giant dolls and magnificent flower battles.
Travel Grants to Nice will be awarded to deserving abstract submitters. Submit your application with your abstract submission.
Early Detection for Psychosis
Hear Prof. Anita Riecher discuss her session at EPA 2017 in Florence which highlighted the importance of working together for early detection and intervention in psychosis.
“My message is that we should much more believe in our ability as psychiatrists… taking the patients at risk as partners we can make an alliance with…”
Courtesy of Schizophrenia Resource Centre
To view video, please click here